All posts by: Ronell

“How can you tell us that brand relevance is important, but I see numerous examples of nondescript, undifferentiated brands everywhere I look?” asked a small business owner during the Q&A for a small business conference I spoke at in Athens, Ga. She had a point....
 In 2016, I was at Utah Olympic Park in Park City, Utah, on a daddy-daughter trip with my girls, when the limits of brand community hit me like a brick. I received a phone call from one of my clients; the person on the other...
One of the funnest activities I engage in with my clients is surreptitiously an exercise to highlight the importance of creating an indispensable brand. It begins with a series of questions about their brand. Who does it serve? What makes it special? How are their...
I still remember the first time I chose a domain name for my blog. It was the early aughts and I was laboring mightily to come up with a catchy name that adequately and accurately captured what my new business was about. Then, I had...
I first learned about Disruptive Innovation in the late 90’s after stumbling onto a nascent work by Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen, who, in his now-famous work “The Innovator’s Dilemma: The Revolutionary Book That Will Change the Way You Do Business,” detailed how small...
Looking for a way to simplify and document content strategy for your small business? A recent project I worked on for will be a boon, then. The content strategy template I wrote about and shared in the article will help you more easily ideate,...